We welcome ideas from County employees, residents, businesses, nonprofits, and the community. We are looking for innovative ideas to assist businesses, streamline contracting processes, and identify potential cost-savings. This effort is part of the County's roadmap to economic recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Actionable ideas will be a part of a special report to the Board of Supervisors by the Quality and Productivity Commission, in consultation with the Small Business Commission and Economy and Efficiency Commission.

Prosper LA (https://prosperla.lacounty.gov/) - for the Board-directed program coordinated with the Quality and Productivity Commission, in consultation with the Small Business Commission and Citizens’ Economy and Efficiency Commission, to create a website to encourage innovative ideas from County employees, businesses, and labor partners that could streamline the County’s contracting process, encourage strategies to engage and assist businesses, and identify potential cost- savings actions by County departments; receiving more than 100 ideas for consideration to spur economic recovery during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Category: County Administration and Management

LA County Is Looking For Ideas That:
- Streamline business services, processes, or contracting with the County.
- Have an impact on the community and benefits the public.
- Improve the Public’s experience with County government through technology and services.
- Improve how County government utilizes and shares technology to better serve the public.